142,000 LinkedIn Video Views in 3 Weeks. How compelling creative built brand awareness and leads for SOPHiA GENETICS.

- Brand/Product Strategy
- Social Media Strategy
- Tagline
- Digital Campaign
- Landing Page
Brand/Product awareness and engagement campaign
Position a promising start up as a market leader in the detection of copy number variances (CNVs).
Because of the vast amounts of data generated through genetic sequencing today, geneticists and lab managers believe they’re missing informaton or not able to interpet the data they are recieving in actionable ways. They know there is valuble data hidden within the reams of sequencing that they need to access and analyze to gain insights into unique dease states. Geneticists and lab managers know they are missing information needed to make vital medical decisions.
Our Solution:
Taking into account a key attribute of the SOPHiA technology – the ability to detect previously undetectable variants in the genome – we created the campaign tagline, “What you’re not seeing can make the difference.” We recommended and developed a video campaign that showed how missing information can cause havoc in striking ways. Our research showed LinkedIn and Twitter were the perferred communication platforms utilized by our audience. Each execution featured a short video that was both visually and emotionally arresting, the large format we recomended stood out among the static images and standard banner sizes more widely utilized by competitors. The campaign is both unexpected and relevent, reflecting the brand attributes of SOPHiA. The CTA drove to a campaign-specific landing page to futher enforce the value of SOPHiA’s insight-driven data solutions and featured a short technical video and simple form for additional information.
We broke the company record for Twitter impressions – over 4.5 million. Other notable milestones include:
3 million Twitter users reached
1.3 million video views on Twitter
93K Twitter engagements
140 new Twitter followers gained
142K video views on LinkedIn
3.78% engagement rate on LinkedIn
25 LinkedIn lead gen forms submitted